
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Mothers Smoke Less around Their Children after Counseling :: Essays Papers

M otherwises Smoke Less around Their Children after Counseling In Melbourne F. Hovells phrase Effect of Counseling Mothers on their Childrens photograph to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Randomized Controlled Trial, the author persuades the reader in effect through showing bear witness about the dangers of second hand smoke. He too introduces the effectiveness that counseling has on mothers who smoke in precedent of their children. The article presents a study of the effectiveness of counseling for smoking mothers, and shows the redress of childrens exposure to smoke in their environment. The article states many valid points, and backs the evidence with statistics to insure that the reader is persuaded by the articles points. The article begins by introducing the problem of second hand smoke to children, and has a delayed thesis which states his main point about the effectiveness of therapy. The author then explains the methods and who participates. legion( predicate) statements backed up with evidence continue throughout the article. The article also shares individual stories of mothers who have gone through this type of therapy and how it has helped them. Hovells article was believable because it included statistics as well as success stories. His look for is also believable because he displays it with credibility and logic, and he appeals to the readers values. There are numerous reasons as to why smoking should be banned around small children, specifically in the United States. Hovell addresses these reasons with statistics. The adult male Health Organization estimated that half of the worlds children are in danger due to second hand tobacco smoke (1). In the United States, 43% or about 15 million children sleep together in homes polluted with tobacco (1). This is a higher percentage compared to other countries across the globe. Many of these children will suffer from asthma, repertory tract infections, o titis media, and jerky infant death syndrome (for fetuses whose mothers smoke) because of their exposure. The article states that counseling tends to reduction childrens exposure and mothers smoking while increase the number of quitters (1). The study done for this article involved recruiting of certain mothers and families who would suffer the counseling process.

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